English version

Menerbes is home to people from many nationalities. We understand that you may find it difficult to navigate through the intricacies of the French language but would still like to support the Association. For your convenience, we have had the original text translated. 

However, please feel free to place comments in any language that you wish!

The purpose of the Association "Protégeons Menérbes" is to mobilize the people of Menérbes against any development project that could undermine the unique character of the village and its surrounding countryside.


Dear Ménerbians, dear Members

The Association « Protegeons Ménerbes » - created in 2013.

The first actions of the Association was to oppose the redevelopment of the entrance to the village of Ménerbes with a real estate project which created much upheaval within the village. The project was abandoned in 2014 to wide acclaim.

After the AGM held on 2nd August 2016, the board has been completely overhauled and I am honoured to be chosen the new President.

This renewal will give new momentum to our partnership with the village, based on dialogue and anticipation, not being a systematic negative opposition.

Today, several topics are of concern to us.

The proposed Medical Centre and 15 houses to be constructed between the school and the village hall will soon be granted a building permit.

This project is necessary for the life of the village, but the proposed architecture is too urban and too low-cost – this facet does not meet wit hthe approval of our Association members.

In addition, we think it does not respect the PLU.

We are in the process of exerting some influence with the municipal team for this project, and providing guidance without going to extremes. We have recommended a "pastiche" Provençal, which integrates more local aesthetic proportion of volumes, local materials (stone, wood joinery ...) local coverings (stone frames, coated with old lime ...).

Furthermore, the work done in recent months on the Town Hall and its surrounds has been the subject of disagreement by ourselves.

It concerns the construction of the elevator shaft at the rear of City Hall, the laying of non "traditional" railings on the windows of the 2nd floor, and the implementation of two totally disproportionate chimneys on the roof of the town hall, to cover the two new antennae of Orange and SFR.

I invite you to refer to the Minutes of the General Assembly ( see in Nouvelles / News on this website) where these subjects are detailed.

Finally, we have asked the Mayor to create an architectural protection zone within the perimeter of the old village. Called the AVAP – it focusses on the Architecture and Heritage of Ménerbes

This approach was initiated by the former municipal team, but not pursued.
A consulting firm had worked on the creation of one and it had been paid for through our taxes.

It is very important to us  to preserve and protect our beautiful village.

I count on your friendly, moral and financial support to carry out our actions.

Best regards

Franck Benel

"Protecting Ménerbes"

Last name :
 First Name :
Address :
Phone :

Fees -
 Associate Member: 10 €
 Active Member: 30 €
 Benefactor Member: From 100 €.

All fees are tax deductible and a certificate will be issued.

LA VIE EST BELLE, 50 rue de la Fontaine, 84560 Ménerbes

PLEASE NOTE: We respect your privacy and do not publish the list of Members

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